Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Audit 101

If you can possibly avoid it - never work in an industry where you have to deal with Auditors. Lawyers you can't avoid, but auditors you can. I spent my whole day today explaining to our auditors (Deloitte) how to do their jobs, and harsh words were exchanged. When Arthur Andersen was found guilty in the Enron scandal, I'm surprised it didn't take down the rest of the then 'big five'. The Sarbanes-Oxley legislation that Bush introduced is a farce, auditors need to be accountable and overseen.
If any of you own any stock in a auditing company - i'd sell it, something's going to give.

Rant over. In other, far less stressful news, Lisa and I are preparing our trip to Europe this summer and we'd love to see everyone at some stage, our dates look tentatively as follows:

Jun 23rd - Jul 4th UK (Glos, London, Henley!)
Jul 4th - 1st Aug (San Michelle, Italy)
Aug (Ibiza, Capri, Geneva, Cowe's?)
Aug 28 - 1/2 Sep Iceland
Sep 3 - 10 Scotland/Skye
Sep 15 Back to US

So let us know if any of those dates/locations work!

The weather has finally turned back towards summery after a short spell of winter's dying throes. Bernard and Manuel (the cats) have taken to the roof deck like ducks to water and spend their days sunning themselves. In the bonsai tree growing competition, Lisa is racing ahead after Tim failed to water his bonsai and Manuel ate mine.


Monday, April 26, 2010

An Introduction

Life is hectic. So much so that I never seem to have the time to inform people of my whereabouts, whereupons, and of course, my werewolves. My family is drifting apart across the continents, and most of my friends are far away. This blog will hopefully lighten the darkness of my poor communication skills, and keep those who want to the know. Don't anticipate the penmanship of my sister, or anything that resembles prose. I have a business to run, and these are harsh times...